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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

TeamViewer 11 Corporate Full Version 2016


TeamViewer 11 Corporate-newest is a software that allows you to perform remote and control other people's computers by using the Internet network, you can share your desktop PC with others easily using this program, share files quickly who can work behind firewalls and NAT proxy ,
To be able to perform remote and control other computers with ease, both computers must be installed Team Viewer and connect to the Internet connection, the program will provide ID on each computer and enter the ID of the target on the team viewer and vice versa so that the program can directly make the connections, once connected well then you can langsng perform remote desktop sharing and share files easily and quickly.
Team Viewer is used to provide help tackle the problem on a computer or laptop friends adrift distances, by utilizing the internet connection you can see dektop PC friends on the screen of your PC and start to analyze and repair directly as if you were repairing the PC companion to your home own. In addition this application also can be used for presentations where you can share your desktop PC with others without hindrance.

Sample Image :

TeamViewer features 11 Corporate Latest Full Version :
  1. Allows control of another PC remotely
  2. Desktop sharing that allows you to share the display with your friends
  3. Share files easily, safely and quickly
  4. Team Viewer has a high safety standard
  5. Admin installation without the need for administrator rights
  6. Having a high-performance network router internesional
  7. Controlling a PC anywhere with Internet connection easily
  8. Presenting your desktop to others for presentations
  9. Works well behind firewall
  10. Flexible program used for various applications
How to Install :
  1. Download TeamViewer 11 Corporate Full Version and crack it via the download link below.
  2. Extract the file you have downloaded earlier with WinRAR
  3. Run the installer TeamViewer Corporate 11, then install as usual
  4. If you already do not run his first TeamViewer
  5. Crack open the folder, then copy the file TeamViewer.exe
  6. Paste in the installation folder TeamViewer> Replace / Overwrite                                             ex 32-bit: C: \ Program Files \ TeamViewer \                                                                          ex 64-bit: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ TeamViewer \
  7. TeamViewer 11 can be used

Hopefully this article useful for you,

That is all and thank you !

1 comment:

  1. tiemvier memang hebat gan..bisa meremote komputer dr android


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