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Friday, January 22, 2016

Whether or not Use Antivirus on Android?


Android, as the operating system that is no doubt the reliability and its popularity has been recognized by developers and the leading smartphone vendor. From a review of security, android is already occupied good ratings. Her layered security of the operating system does arouse some virus makers to be moved to try to infiltrate the android OS. Because based on Open source (OS license open) it will be a lot of developers who will contribute their knowledge to cover cracks which are vulnerable to intruders (virus).

Of course many people are asking, if necessary once fitted Android Antivirus? or not? because people say also without antivirus Smartphone is still safe, but there are also who says Without antivirus smartphone also become weaker and heavier Operations run, and even then also depending on the spec of each Smartphone, respectively.

So, the core of the safety least android from viruses (if it's actually safer than rival OS) will depend on the smartphone users to manage the applications in it. For example, a user android who was surfing in cyberspace and 'likes' so do click on the menus that appear in the browser, either because the ad impressions or the like then inevitably the user has consented to access the source code (scripts) to run in gadgetnya. Profit-taking if it is really an ad, if only at the click of the advertising in disguise (virus) then the user would have been categorized as 'allowed' the virus to enter.

So, What You Need To Install Antivirus on Android?

I think personally, Antivirus are necessary and unnecessary. In a sense this, sometimes Antivirus resource or resource consuming large enough, because it must always be running (running) at the back of the system, so it can drain the battery. And anti-virus is also rare to open because of this application would only security only, so that only the display on the menu our smartphones. Of course such a condition would be inconvenient for users to lower middle-class smartphone that RAM is mediocre. Conversely, if you have a large RAM and is not burdened by any Antivirus, ya better pair, because for the sake of security as well.

after we discuss the summary above, this time I will give to Avoid Threats If Not Install Antivirus !

  1. Do not click on or open any unknown link. Suppose you mendapatkanbroadcast from a friend containing a link, it is good to first ask what that link, it could be your friend is being hijacked to spread the scam link that will be detrimental.
  2. As much as possible do not install applications outside of Google Play Store. If it had, make sure the APK file that you want to install comes from a trusted source. Because it could have the APK is inserted scripts that can take your personal or financial information. If you download on the web that spread the virus and has affected your personal data is a serious disaster, because you can lose something valuable in your smartphone, such as: personal account, the financial, smartphone system damage, and many more evil virus.
  3. Do not also fully believe with applications in the Google Play Store. Google is not perfect, sometimes there are applications that are considered harmful but can still be downloaded from the Play Store. Preferably, prior to download, you first consider the reviews from people who've tried it. Because of the reviews of people who have already downloaded the file you can think carefully before downloading.
  4. if you understand and can choose which applications are feasible to install or not, can all be resolved. Only, of course it is risky. If you want to protect favorite Smartphone, you can install it. Because, the truth can secure Android is your own, instead of Antivirus.

So pity on your smartphone before infected with a nasty virus. For I personally do not install antivirus on my smartphone, because applications that I use only simple and not so crowded. We recommend that you have to really understand which application to use in our smartphones so it is always safe to use our favorite smartphone.

If you want to protect smartphones, you can install it. Because, the truth can secure Android is your own, not an Antivirus, as you know, and should know what to install and no.

See also other interesting article !

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